Thanks for posting content infuriating enough to push me through that last rep. I'm actually in disbelief that the Times would publish this. We'll just send Bolton the bill for all Iran-related military forays, it sounds like this is all no big deal.
Also, RE: your point about why NYT would publish this. Don't forget that they were one of the main cheerleaders for the Iraq invasion. Friedman, Kristol, et al beat that drum for months until the deed was done, and they've since spent the last 12 years trying to distance themselves from it.
I once heard Bolton say that the president only has a responsibility to the people who actually voted for him (of course he was speaking of W). So you would think by his own logic that he should have no say in what Obama does or doesn't do (assuming he didn't vote for the President either time--probably not a big leap of faith). What a piece of shit. Of all the fuckups from the Bush administration, he might be my least favorite next to The Emperor (Cheney, that is) himself.