That's cool! It's a man-in-the-middle attack, except Alice is _expecting_ to talk to Eve but gets paired with Bob. "Man-on-both-ends attack". The English wizard Derren Brown used the same weird trick to defeat ½ of a group of grandmasters and a plant (I think it was Robert). IIRC there was a chatbot or something that did the same thing to spoof a Turing test, but I can't find anything about it; maybe it hasn't happened yet. It seems like it would be very difficult to prevent this; I wonder what Tinder will do?
Probably talking about cleverbot. Which does something similar. It logs old responses and uses them to respond to people. This made some users thing they were randomly being paired up, and then swapped every now and again in mid conversation. They can't do anything short of requiring actual identification for your account. And that still doesn't stop someone from doing this.IIRC there was a chatbot or something that did the same thing to spoof a Turing test, but I can't find anything about it; maybe it hasn't happened yet.
It seems like it would be very difficult to prevent this; I wonder what Tinder will do?