Your moniker is modeled after the phrase "often been". Except, you're always Ben. I finally realized this obvious fact a few days ago, and the pub's the only place I could catch you without defiling a Hubski post. Ermmm... am I wrong? Happy birthday! Your phrase "better living through chemistry" is something that I enjoy debating in my own thought bubbles. Framing this argument in different scenarios yields variable results, and it's an excellent mental exercise. Keep on keeping on, amigo.
Thanks! It was quite the day, and the parade of awesome continues.
I'd love to hear the arguments, for and against.Your phrase "better living through chemistry" is something that I enjoy debating in my own thought bubbles. Framing this argument in different scenarios yields variable results, and it's an excellent mental exercise.
Happy late birthday, Ben, I am sorry to have missed it. "Better living through chemistry" wasn't one of the taglines/blurbs in the Veridian Dynamics ads from Better Off Ted by any chance, was it? I could see it being one. If you aren't familiar the Veridian Dynamics commercials were tongue in cheek riffs on megacorporation commercials/slogans. "Veridian Dynamics: We Make Everything Better. Sometimes."
That's just the thing, it's totally dependent on situation. The heroin addict who shoots up and says "better living through chemistry" isn't making the same argument as someone about to go under anesthetics for life-saving surgery. It's much more fun to play in the morally grey areas: 'roids, psychedelic drugs, the social appeal of a few drinks... those things spring to mind. Every now and then, you'll come across a newspiece that trailblazes new moral questions in the area of "chemically-assisted living". I wish I had a bigger mental RAM so that I could remember specific examples. Don't you? Well NOW YOU CAN!! FOR THE PRICE OF JUST $29.95 PER MONTH, WE GIVE YOU AN-..."I'd love to hear the arguments, for and against.