Right now, I'm copying batches of 100 files from a flashdrive to an online database for my dad. Why move them in batches of 100? Because the place puts a limit on the number of files that can be uploaded at once, never mind the insanely small file size. The tedium is terrible, but I'm getting paid to do it, so I can't complain. As far as actual projects go, I'm in the process of planning a return trip to the boundary waters with a few friends from school. We'll stay for about a week, canoe, portage, fish, camp, etc. We've been there before, but it's absolutely stunning wilderness, and we can't wait to get back out there. We're all pretty into camping, so this is really the ideal trip to take for our last summer together!
At one point, just after high school, I spent two weeks (one each summer) in a little cabin in Killarney, ON, with four friends. Easily two of the best experiences of my life. I hope you get to go back sooner rather than later!!