Shit man, I realized a while back that I treat my life like an rpg. 'Cept I've done it since before I knew what an rpg was. But since I turned on to the notion, it's really taken off. I just read like 10000 words on Ronald and Nancy Reagan. Waste of time? Kinda. But if my brain is a giant stat sheet with all the facts possible on it, grayed out, a tiny bit more just got whited in. +1 esoteric knowledge of presidents' early lives. Decent way to spend 20 minutes. So anyway, yeah. White in some gray areas. And you get exp just for surviving each day, it's called 'the wisdom that comes with age'. Avoid actual rpgs, though.
That's... really awesome. When I started reading I thought maybe you'd go into the standard gamification with giving yourself awards for accomplishing tasks and such, but your methods are more abstract and (IMO) a whole lot cooler. I'd be careful saying that too loud around these parts... Not that I disagree.Avoid actual rpgs, though.
But see this way knowledge is literally its own reward. Which, incidentally, makes it a really cheap hobby. I don't understand spending time on an rpg when you could just be your own. I mean, I do, like escapism and path of least resistance stuff, but, hell. It's way more fun when the results are real. If pokemon actually existed I'd never do anything else, but they don't. God I'm preachy tonight. Time to go do something productive instead.