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comment by iamfight
iamfight  ·  4743 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Ask Hubski: What have you sold or given up that you wished you hadn't
do you remember "the deck"? 60 cards, only two of which dealt damage, one serra angel and one fireball timetwisted/regrowthed repeatedly? the last tournament i won was in north new jersey, i cant remember the name of the town..new carrollton? a necropotence deck. my final hand was swamp, 3x dark ritual, necro, hyppy, 2 knights, and contagion.

lately, i just have to enjoy reading all the cards in the decks i get lent to play against my friends new decks.

i myself am much happier in skyrim.

edit: i would me totally into those closed deck games. anyone in tokyo/yokohama wanna play?

iamfight  ·  4743 days ago  ·  link  ·  
sorry, great momories. i got a lich in ante once against a dude that swore his assassin/icy deck was the end. millstone/howling mine! woohoo! i also once played against a guy who threw his meteor when a fan was blowing across the table... good times wow, thanks for awakening the memories!
mk  ·  4743 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Ha! A favorite of mine was a first turn ritual/hymn, and a second turn animate dead on a kid's discarded craw wurm. The look on his face was so great.
iamfight  ·  4743 days ago  ·  link  ·  
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mk  ·  4743 days ago  ·  link  ·  
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iamfight  ·  4743 days ago  ·  link  ·  
ok ok ok must not play magic. whew. as i said, just chess, go, and (lately) skyrim for me.
mk  ·  4743 days ago  ·  link  ·  
LOL. Sorry. I know it's like a recovered junkie staring at a bag of coke.
mk  ·  4743 days ago  ·  link  ·  
    my final hand was swamp, 3x dark ritual, necro, hyppy, 2 knights, and contagion.

LOL That's a good feeling.

I had a ridiculous discard deck back in the day. All black, and all the regular suspects (racks, hyppies, hymns, underworld dreams, drain life's, rituals, etc.), except for 4 scrublands a Mox Pearl, a couple of disenchants, and two rocket launchers. Everyone always laughed at my rocket launchers, but they won so many games for me. Colorless damage that could be divided was so often a clincher. I was known as Mr. Tourach where we used to play. -Good times. :)

EDIT: There was a guy there with a version of 'the deck' that just had jade statues. I was his nemesis. It used to drive him nuts to play me.