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comment by FzGn
FzGn  ·  3431 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The social aggregator is a terrible business model.

I like you and your mindset.

"I don't know a lot about this, thus I must learn about this! How do I learn about it? By doing it! But what if its radical and weird? All the better! I've got nothing but time and motivation!"

I agree with everything you said. I want to get involved with something revolutionary and forward thinking... it just feels so hard with the current state of things in the world. We have this amazing tool in the internet, yet we haven't realized its full potential yet. And every time we seem to be getting close to realizing that potential, financial problems or greed seems to drag us all back to reality.

Having a completely untainted community sounds amazing; and community ownership seems like the way to do it.

Count me in as well!