From Vincennes Sun-Commercial -
EXCERPT: It’s also an issue of legality, Tuell said. According to the American Legal Defense Fund, pig wrestling is a breach of a Harrison County Animal Control Ordinance, which states it is unlawful for anyone to “willfully or maliciously torture, torment, beat, kick, strike, mutilate, injure, disable any animal” or to “incite, stage or set any animal to fighting within the county.” Dubois County also has an ordinance regarding animal cruelty, though it is less specific — Ordinance 1993-8 makes it illegal to “cruelly treat or neglect a domesticated animal,” which includes “inhuman beating.” Ken Eck, Purdue Extension educator for Dubois County, said the event was canceled in 2014 because 4-H is trying to teach Youth Pork Quality Assurance — “the food safety, antibiotic use and animal well-being awareness and education program for youth pork producers ages 8 to 19,” as described by Eck said those who are involved in 4-H should be shown how to care for animals in a way that follows these guidelines. “It’s just proper industry handling,” Eck said.