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comment by Kafke
Kafke  ·  3414 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Since I'm looking for suggestions: What's your all-time favorite series?

Go watch "The Lost Room", it's really short (miniseries), and it's absolutely fantastic. Also Prison Break. Just season 1 though.

Sliders is good if you like sci-fi stuff. It's old, and sort of diminishes as it goes on longer, but it's good.

For comedy, you'll want to be looking at Better off Ted, Dead Like Me, and Reaper.

All good stuff.

zonk  ·  3414 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I watched PB season 1, tried to survive S02 and then gave up. Similar to Vikings, where I barely watchd anything of S02 and I don't think I've seen a lot of S03.

I haven't hear of any of these shows, but The Lost Room looks interesting and mini-series are always quickly watched. I will definitely add it to my list! :)

Thanks for the recommendations. If you had to pick one favorite series, without skipping a bit (as in not only S01 or something), what would be your favorite?

Kafke  ·  3414 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Hard to say. Besides Prison Break, the only one I'd be cautious about watching (if you want all of it to be excellent) would be Sliders, since there was some 'drama' that happened with the actors and such later on (like S3/4/5). So perhaps avoid that one.

The rest should all be good to go. I actually haven't watched Dead Like Me or Reaper since I've first seen them. Better off Ted I've watched quite a few times, so perhaps go with that one.