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comment by vinosan
vinosan  ·  3414 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Since I'm looking for suggestions: What's your all-time favorite series?

Good thing I gave a proper reply and didn't just suggest the German version of "Let's make a Deal" based on your username. Because if you open the wrong door you get a Zonk, that looks like this:

Also, I just watched the first season of Ray Donovan. It's also on Netflix (I suppose you watch the other shows there). It's not extremly well made unfortunately. The lines are cheap and cheesy at times and I never knew I'd dislike the Boston accent so much. But I grew attached to the characters and it's pretty entertaining. It's kinda like a cheap Breaking Bad with violence instead of drugs.

Now what should I watch next?

zonk  ·  3414 days ago  ·  link  ·  

No direct recommendation for you except the ones I mentioned in the OP, but I'm actually German and my name comes from the show :P