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comment by kleinbl00

I'd totally buy a self-driving car. Those things are going to completely change America - imagine if that hour and a half you spend every day driving to work could be spent chilling in the back working on spreadsheets? Watching netflix? Knitting? I really enjoy driving but there are big pieces of "driving" that aren't at all enjoyable.

The busload of preschoolers is safe for the simple reason that an autonomous driving system isn't going to drive if it fails any of its pre-flight checks. That's something the computer has a leg up on - it's not going to think you're okay to drive after three drinks, it knows that the brake pads should have been replaced six months ago and based on the feedback it gets from using the brakes, it knows your tires aren't up to this rainstorm. Negligent homicide is going to plummet and autonomous cars can't commit willful acts.