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comment by user-inactivated
user-inactivated  ·  3549 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Half of American whites see no racism around them

It's really not that hard to believe when you think about it. America is a huge country and there are tons of gaps that influences people's worldviews. There's income gaps, age gaps, cultural gaps, regional gaps, on and on and on.

If I were to guess about you, and correct me if I'm wrong, you're probably young, fairly well educated, and get most of your news and information off the internet. Something like this to you would seem fairly obvious. Now take a person who is in their mid to late 50s who is financially well off and still depends on television and newspapers to get their news and information. They're not going to see the same things as you see and they're not going to worry about the same things you worry about.

camarillobrillo  ·  3549 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I'm just a late 20's college dropout and I'm worried I'll be pushing daisies before any real change happens in this country, if ever.

user-inactivated  ·  3549 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Woah! Woah! Woah! What's with that kind of talk? Are you serious? Things seem bleak, yes, sure. We have so much that has happened and so much that is going to continue to happen. We're not even going to talk about all of the great things that have happened since the civil rights era. Let's just look at today.

Thanks to the internet, we have a wealth of information available to us that shines a light on the injustices of the world like never before. Political tom-fuckery, police brutality, race issues, drug issues, on and on and on. The reason you're seeing so many problems now and the reason it feels so overwhelming is because people are able to share more and more information, faster than ever possible. Knowing about the problems of the world and talking about them is the first step in solving them. Just look at what the internet has done to help bring to light about natural disasters around the world and how quickly support for these people has become a global, community effort.

Part of the reason politicians and corporate whores are being such monsters right now is because they know this, so they're trying to double down while they can. Change is coming, change is inevitable, but change also needs to be slow. Abrupt change almost always ends in disaster. To be a part of that change, all you need to do is do right in your own backyard. It doesn't even have to be big or revolutionary. Find something that's a problem that you yourself personally care about and you yourself feel like you can contribute to and work on it. Actions, both positive and negative, causes ripples. By doing nothing, even on a small scale, you're sending a message to every fuckhead in power that they can do what they want.

camarillobrillo  ·  3549 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I will try to remind myself of that. Well said.

user-inactivated  ·  3549 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Absolutely. Anytime. Just always try to keep your head up and always try to do right by others. Believe it or not, it'll even help you feel better.