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comment by forwardslash
forwardslash  ·  3397 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Do girls play the PS Vita?

I used to work at an EB Games and even then I knew very few people who played a PSP/Vita. I always wanted one, in particular because it was part of an ecosystem I never experienced when I was growing up as I only had Nintendo and then Xbox systems. Even as my wife and I bought a ps4 and I seriously thought about buying a vita to compliment it, we just both got DS's so we could play pokemon together.

But still, I hear vita has some harvest moon games.

Gumbo  ·  3395 days ago  ·  link  ·  

If you have a ps4, the vita is definitely worth the buy if you have decent upload speeds at home and decent download speeds common when you're out of the house. With a decent connection, you can play full ps4 games with the vita on the go. Basically 0 input lag, too.