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comment by commander_shim
commander_shim  ·  3396 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Welcome to Hubski, redditors! Tell us about yourselves.

I'm a former redditor looking for a fun content aggregator that isn't horribly racist or sexist.

I'm a high ranking officer of the Pangalactic Union of Bipedal Sentience. We do a lot of work in letting other sentient beings with less (or more) than two legs and two arms know who is in charge. Walking upright was the way Charles Darwin, science be upon him, invisioned and it's the right way.

My current assignment is attempting to convince the union that Earth isn't completely bonkers. I haven't been successful yet. But if there's one thing I am, by Hawking, it is stubborn.

So, members of hubski, do your kind proud.