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comment by Imarreteet23
Imarreteet23  ·  3393 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Trip Report: A lot of places between the East Coast and West Coast.

Hey, thanks! Glad to be here. You all seem like a nice lot of people. :)

Also, random off topic side point: I used to be on another forum a long while ago with the same username, and they also used to call me Ima, so, wow, you calling me that gives me a huge wave of nostalgia. Gah.

But anyways! It is definitely a useful life skill. I consider myself an introvert, like you, so I find it very difficult to just talk to people like that. But the few times that I have have invariably been with really interesting people. It's a good thing to do. It humanizes everyone around you, which is awesome, because I tend to think of people I don't know as basically just quickly disappearing faces.