Thanks! I am a big fan of Dark Horse. The Firefly/Serenity stuff is pretty good and I really enjoy the Conan stories they adapted. Still working on those. There are a ton of trades for that run.
I don't know if you're into older comics, but if you are, Dark Horse is putting out a ton of omnibuses for their older properties from the '80s and '90s. Nexus, Ghost, Trekker, etc. It's a great way to get a ton of good material for your bookshelf real cheap.
That is fantastic, I hadn't heard that. Thanks for the information. Most of my graphic novel/trades collection is older stuff. Alan Moore's Swamp Thing in hardcover is my pride and joy.
Yes. My personal crown jewel at the moment is the Fear Agent Library Vol 1. and 2. I wanted to get the hardcover Starman Omnibuses when they came out, but I couldn't justify spending the money. Now that they're hard to get a hold of, I kind of regret not getting them. Starman was just such a great series out of the 90s.