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comment by Cycling_Nomad
Cycling_Nomad  ·  3395 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Stop forcing people to wear bike helmets

Want to hear something funny? I suffered a TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) back in 2012. I was jumped by some kids and smacked with a 2x4 off of my bike. I was one of three cyclists this happened to that year and the police did nothing. Anyways, A lot of people always say "I bet you'll wear a helmet now". I've put thousands of miles on my bike and just don't particularly like helmets for a variety of reasons. People don't seem to understand that in most situations a helmet isn't required. I remember reading awhile back that the #1 injury for people who compete in the tours was a broken collarbone (could be wrong on this, if I am please let me know). This was before they started to require helmets for the full length of the race.