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comment by Ron
Ron  ·  3396 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Is there any community of WoW players on HubskI?

I mainly play an Arcane Mage and Prot Pally on US Kel'Thuzad Alliance

krisc  ·  3396 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Hello fellow Kel'Thuzad US Alliance player! Been there since release, originally through The Goon Squad.

I haven't played much since around a month or so ago. Got into Diablo III for a bit and now GTA V, but I'm sure I'll rejoin the grind soon enough.

Pieareround  ·  3396 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Nice. I prefer fire when it comes to playing a mage.

I've been loving the mythic dungeons since they came out last week. Not really much of a raider, but I love 5 man content. So, those are my difficult content of choice now.