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The unseasonable warmth broke temperature records in more than 1,054 locations between March 13–19, as well daily lows in 627 locations, according to Hamweather. Cities as geographically diverse as Chicago, Des Moines, Traverse City (Michigan), Myrtle Beach, Madison (Wisconsin), Atlantic City, New York City, and Duluth, (Minnesota) all broke records for high temperatures in recent days.
AnSionnachRua · 4681 days ago · link ·
It has reached us in Ireland, too. The insects and birds are out, and the plants are waking up. It's a really strange shift from such a cold, cold winter.
It is nice to hear the birds again, I agree. I've been able to take walks outside quite a bit already this year and there is no way that I'd normally be doing that. There are flowers on some of the trees too and you get the smell of spring on the air. I'm not complaining.