/r/SyrianCivilWar has been my source to follow that conflict (and its spillover) for years now. I honestly don't know if I can ever really leave reddit so long as I maintain an interest in following that conflict. Though it may be better for my own health to not be so invested in a foreign war. Following a bloody war on the internet, flipping through images of dead soldiers and decapitated prisoners is both horrifying and desensitizing. I'll try to stop visiting there. On a lighter note, /r/Soccer has by far the best soccer community I'll come across. I don't really know of another place to follow /r/SwanseaCity (though, of course, once the season starts, I'll be able to watch the Jacks on NBCSports).
/r/SyrianCivilWar is really amazing, and so is /r/UkrainianConflict. /r/Coys is the best soccer community ^_^
/r/UkraineConflict is good too. I guess the way the war seems less "hot" to me means it hasn't drawn my attention as much. I also have a big soft spot for the PYD and the Rojava revolution. And thanks for giving us Gylfi! Next season we'll be finishing ahead of you lot in the table ;)