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comment by Regolith
Regolith  ·  3392 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What will you miss most from Reddit?

The Imaginary Network of fictional art, which I'll still visit from time to time.

As others have said, I don't think many of us will leave Reddit; it still serves its purpose of mass democratised information retrieval and indexing that no other website has the community size to match. The fact that we Reddit outcasts are here at all implies we are more versed and invested in Reddit-like theory than 95% of Reddit users, or we wouldn't have found Hubski to begin with; this in turn implies we already have pretty well curated and selective subReddit subscriptions, and there's really little wrong with our own Reddit feeds.

Reddit still serves that function of harvesting and parsing links of the niches we're interested in, the key problem I think we all have with Reddit–the reason I'm here–is that Reddit is no longer a good place for meaningful conversation. The mechanics of how Reddit sorts posts and comments, combined with its size and demographic, have killed Reddits capability to systemically host good conversation. This is a function Reddit can no longer serve — and a function Hubski seems to serve quite well.