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comment by MelonEve

"Competition" is a great description of reddit. Without strict moderation the top comments in any popular subreddit are usually jokes barely related to the topic, probably because that's the easiest way to get upvoted and noticed.

neokabuto  ·  3389 days ago  ·  link  ·  

And the motivations that come with karma don't help across the whole of Reddit. If you write a stupid one-liner in a default sub, it's an easy way to get thousands of points. If you write a valuable, in-depth discussion in some niche sub, you're lucky to get a dozen points.

Turkey  ·  3393 days ago  ·  link  ·  

And while those jokes can be amusing, it's unfortunate that it's what Reddit has devolved into. I've enjoyed my time browsing there, but it's an awful place to participate in most conversations.