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comment by Cycling_Nomad
Cycling_Nomad  ·  3393 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What are your favorite Windows 95/98 era video games?

For me it has to be Total Annihilation. The game was, for me, an introduction to modding and the community that arises from that type of thing. When I was younger and the game still had a thriving community I would sift through thousands of different units, add them, debug some issues that arose and essentially give the game a second life. I remember I had perfected a copy with a nice balance between Core and Arm units and I shared it with all my friends. We would spend a lot of days after school on that game and I have a lot of fond memories. I lost the copy and unfortunate so did all my friends. I bought it on Gog a few years back but it just isn't the same, maybe I'm just not the same anymore, heh.