where i live there is a saying never talk about religion and politics there is a time and a place for everything sometimes we need to talk about things but essential there will always be organised religion no matter how much it irritates teenagers.
- all you get on reddit is atheists like barking dogs letting everyone know how suppressed they are
I've never been to that site, so I don't have a good frame of reference, but it could be that there a people who use the internet to connect with like minded individuals, because they live in a backwards or rural area where admitting to being an atheist could be a reason to be oppressed. Most of us, fortunately, don't have that problem, but I think its a real issue in some areas. Besides, teenagers often times are impelled by their parents to go to church or follow their established norms. Its good they have a place to rant. I didn't have that when I was a kid, but it would have certainly enjoyed it.
They had a "faces of atheism" awhile back, which was quite literally them posting pictures of themselves with pseudo-intellectual quotes made by themselves. Its the same reason I'm really hesitant to admit that I like anime. The group is just painful to be associated with, and oh god the amount of circlejerking. /rant