Freaks and Geeks is one of those awesome shows I've heard so much good about, and have never watched because of the crushing disappointment its loyal fans experienced.
It's still worth it. The ending is ambiguous but they knew they were on thin ice when NBC started jerking the schedule and episode order around so it's somewhat satisfying. Like how Futurama has four series finales or whatever because they never knew if they'd get renewed. Except they did and Freaks & Geeks didn't. Maybe it's my high school experience but the characters are so real and well devolped given their short time. Not watching Freaks and Geeks for the reason you said is like not dating so you won't get hurt. It's gonna hurt but you're going to have a great time in the interim.
Very good point. Also, I completely agree the main things I love about Freaks and Geeks is that it's hilarious and that it's incredibly relateable. I feel like at different moments I relate to almost every character at least once at some point just in the first season