Hmm. Yes. So instead of having an honest, open debate, we will just attack each other behinds masks. Okay. Seems civil.Stop taking yourself so seriously, jesus christ. Waaah, someone said something mean to me on the internet, waaah. How do people like you function in real life?
You know what's really sad? If you had posted this under your normal profile, I'd engage you in a conversation. But you didn't, so I won't. That's a shame, because it's a conversation worth having. So, I think I'm done with this thread. I have better things to do with my time than to spend it in the company of goons. Have fun wallowing in hate.Yes, let's all be passive aggressive and wear a smile at all times. That's totally healthy and doesn't turn a community into a nest of hypocrites.
"I like free speech - except when it hurts my feelings. Then it should be banned!" -rd95
Fuck you.