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comment by goo
goo  ·  3531 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: At what point did you look in the mirror, and see yourself as an adult?

This will go against the grain, but I've felt rather "adult" for some time now. Occasionally I'll get the urge to throw a blue streak in my hair or something, but generally I feel like I have it together. I'm not sure if I'm just kidding myself though, because most people I talk to don't share the sentiment.

Also, I have only been IDed a few times, even when buying lottery tickets and getting into snotty bars. I guess I look old? Hooray?

caeli  ·  3531 days ago  ·  link  ·  

We seem pretty similar! I've felt this way for a while as well. I like going to work, paying the bills, doing the dishes, etc. I also rarely get carded -- waiters have been asking me if I'd like to order a drink since I was around 14! I was also always cast as the middle-aged characters in high school plays :P.

I wonder if looking older has some weird relationship to this: maybe looking older causes people to treat you subtly differently, leading to more "adultlike" behavior earlier? I have 0 evidence for this though haha.

goo  ·  3530 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Perhaps! Yes, I was often asked, "Would you prefer the lounge tonight?" as a teen. I enjoy going to work, organizing and cleaning, reading the mail, making appointments. Also, buying furniture and landscaping gets more exciting as I age!

Hmm, that's an interesting theory. My parents were always the "treat your kid as an adult" type - it was rare I felt patronized, and they usually tried to include me in their daily happenings. Were your parents the same? I imagine they would have the most influence on your behaviour and perception of yourself.