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comment by Unnonmyous
Unnonmyous  ·  3388 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: If Corporations Are People, Why Do They Have To Be Such Jerks?

That article had a lot of words for one word:


When everyone feels like their might not be enough, they are willing to do anything to get "their fair share." To deepflows's first point, corporations have no moral or ethical directive. The people that control them do. Corporations are a legitimized way for people to take advantage of sociopaths behavior that leads to wealth generation. If we really acted in our specie's best interest all the time wealth (the storage of excess) doesn't really need to happen on the scale modern corporations are capable of.

This isn't an original thought, but I don't remember who said/wrote it. Internet? Can I get a hand on sourcing this?