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comment by alpha0
alpha0  ·  4940 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Why are we afraid of male sexuality?
"Awaiting instructions":


Imagine being a little boy growing up these days. You're walking down the street in East Village and there are these posters plastered on the phone booths. (Complete with /orange jumpsuit/ if it the message is not getting across.)

Are men not worthy of respect? Are little boys the problem with society?

Sexuality is a hugely important aspect of our psychological and spiritual health. Why fuck with it?

Cui bono? when the males of a society are stressed out about sexuality? Why emasculate the males? (How could that possibly be good for a society?) And why promote a hard divide between 2 halves of society? (We do know that it is not an organic phenomena.)

I believe it is correct to assert that young men are disproportionally represented in all revolts, insurrections, and challenges to standing power structures in human history.
