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comment by howdocomputerwork
howdocomputerwork  ·  3389 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Could you live without a computer or smartphone?

I could live without my computer if it weren't for the fact that so much of my life is tied to it now. My job takes place mostly on a computer, and even the things that aren't digital come from a server in the office. Other than that, the problem would come from schoolwork. Most, if not all of it, is done online or through a computer program. I could always go the library to do that, however there wouldn't be any guarantee that I would have the capability to work there. A smartphone I could absolutely live without, assuming I had an older-style phone to communicate with and something to play music from (hopefully not a full-sized walkman, maybe a pocket-sized mp3 player). With this, however, I never would have been able to keep up my last relationship anywhere as long as I did (because international calling/texting is expensive and my parents would never upgrade our family's phone plan for a girlfriend). However, I'm thinking of spending a week or so (at least mostly) technology-free over my next family trip in about a week, and if I do it will be an interesting experiment.