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comment by Larso
Larso  ·  3389 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: An essay about explaining racism from the guy who wrote "Go the Fuck to Sleep"

Not really an opposing view but this article details the direction the country has been moving in. America has one thing that many other countries don't, we talk about racism, how to prevent and improve the lives of minorities. Many people around the world think that racism is an american thing, while sweeping their problems under the rug.


Herunar  ·  3389 days ago  ·  link  ·  

It is most certainly true that we do like to talk about racism - that is definitely our strength in a sense. I'd probably argue that most Western countries do have quite a bit of racism systematically ingrained in their societies, but few of them like to talk about it. Hell, most of the time discourse there tends to boil down to arguments that there isn't -actually- that much racism at all and it's just people complaining about nothing. It really is an infuriating statement.