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comment by NoahTheDuke
NoahTheDuke  ·  3389 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: An essay about explaining racism from the guy who wrote "Go the Fuck to Sleep"

    You seem to be panicking that you're going to get in trouble because someone assumed you denying people based on legal requirement was because of race.

Well, I've been fired from many jobs, for many legitimate and illegitimate reasons. I try to excise the elements of my "on the job" personality that have gotten into trouble in the past, and attempt to learn from others mistakes too, you know? I seriously don't want to be fired, and I don't want to give a guest a bad time, and I want to serve people as much alcohol as they can handle because that directly makes me money. So when I read about this interaction, all I can think is, "How would I have done this differently?" and the answer is, "I wouldn't have." and that doesn't make me feel good.

    You won't get in trouble so long as you're not letting the white people get away with it. You're the gatekeeper of your own consistency.

That's absolutely true, and I've bolded it because of how much I agree. Do you think the bartender in the story was inconsistent?

    Don't try claim that people of color always get to blackmail white people. Just don't be that guy. Seriously.

You point to where I did it, and I'll fix it.