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comment by ChristianBale

I hope I didn't sound supportive of flying the Confederate flag or anything like that--wasn't my point. I guess I just feel that the identity of those who embrace and support the Confederate flag has drifted from a strict Southern Pride definition to a more flexible identity that falls in line with a lot of different social, political, and geographic divisions in the US. I mean I've lived in the North all my life and you see a fair number of people with Confederate flags on their cars or their hats or whatever if you get out of the cities.

Do you have a link to the AskHistorians post? I'd be interested to read it.

graphictruth  ·  3388 days ago  ·  link  ·  

well, there are a number.


And some actually support your view. --- https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/3cg2sq/ama_john_coski_author_of_the_confederate_battle/

Sorry, can't format links properly, my eyes are drifting in different directions atm. Must sleep. :)