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comment by ArtemusBlank
ArtemusBlank  ·  3387 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Early review of Go Set a Watchman. It's not pretty

Camarillo's point is not really that off because Harper Lee's sister who was a lawyer was the one that protected her sister's privacy and made sure things like this never happened. Alice Lee died in Nov 2014, three months before the discovery of the new book was found.

Alice Lee's Obituary

If people wanted to get to Harper, then they would have to go through Alice who never wavered in protecting her sister. Until about 2011, she was the one that managed most of Harper's affairs. I wonder if this book would have seen the light of day if Alice was younger than Harper and still practicing law?

So the correct statement to this was everyone waited for Alice Lee to die and then they went in for the money.