Those sounds horrible. You reminded me of a bunch of dreams I used to have where I couldn't keep my eyes open, and when they were open it was very difficult to see. It was rather annoying, but I'll trade what you're describing for 'rather annoying' with no hesitation.
I hope your anxious dreams get better. I hardly ever get nightmares anymore, ruling out sleep paralysis I've only had 1 mildly bad dream in the last 3 years.
Your compassionate, thoughtful reply has me all kerfluffled. Thanks. Bad dreams anymore usually involve being lost, needing to get somewhere but I can't get my mind to work enough to make it happen and I spend hours continually missing the mark, making one bad decision after another; I know I'm going to be homeless that night and I have an awful, desperate, anxious time trying to find a place to sleep; I'm trying to connect to people, and everyone ignores me, I can never fit in, and I spend most of the time in confusion, nowhere to go, alone. Oh, and the always fun 'you want to run, or even walk, but suddenly your legs are made of lead and stuck in quicksand, and you struggle, struggle, endless struggle to try to get your legs to work.' They still suck, but they're a damn sight better than they used to be. "I'll trade what you're describing for 'rather annoying' with no hesitation." That made me =). The whole eyelid, trouble seeing dreams you mention would freak me the heck out.