Facebook wore down everyone's sense of privacy with the same tactic. Just make it a non-stop, constant, pain in the ass ... and eventually no one will want to bother to keep up with privacy a primary concern. The important part is keeping up the message 100% of the time. FOX does it. They go picking up some schlub up out of Po-dunk nowhere newsroom and pay them so much that taxes really begin to seem like punishment for success. Keep that up ... keep them on the air and keep them paid like royalty ... constantly surrounded by coy sycophants who are paid paid paid ... and never let anyone else on the air. It is evil. And it is why there is no FOX Canada.
I don't know if you mean there is no broadcast of FOX News in Canada, or if there is no Canada tailored FOX. Either way, it got me on a path of wondering where in the world FOX News is available and I found these: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Fox_News_World_Providers_Map.svg http://www.foxnews.com/story/2011/03/01/where-in-world-is-fox.html So FOX News is broadcast in Canada, and from the looks there are quite a lot of cable providers that do. That being said, if you mean a Canada centric FOX News, I think FOX in general pretty much only cares about the US and doesn't even really cater to other countries' politics. If it's true there is no FOX catered news for other countries, it's probably just because they don't give a damn about other countries. They tend to like reporting on the US Congress, the US executive branch, etc.And it is why there is no FOX Canada.
It is owned by Rupert Murdoch. I think, though, that FOX News might more have to do with Rupert Murdoch giving them an idea or overarching concept, and FOX running with it. I highly doubt he has much to do with the individual programming even if it follows his worldview. But that is a good point that he might have his hands in other misleading news organizations around the world, he could have given the same goals to other news companies. I don't have the time to research such a large task but it would be interesting to find out.