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comment by flopper
flopper  ·  3379 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Pets of Hubski

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee time to show off our rabbits! They are my favorite little fluffballs ever. Here they are!

This is Luna, after our favorite Harry Potter character. She's an adorable grump who has no problem nudging us out of the way and nipping at us when we don't immediately comply:

And this is Timothy Hopper, who got his name from the animal control worker who dropped him off at the shelter as a stray. We loved the name and kept it! He is sweet, gentle, and shy, and loves gettings pets but is scared of literally everything:

We love having rabbits. They are loving, lovable, quiet, clean, and hilarious. They are the perfect pets for us, both personality-wise, and because they are great in an apartment environment. I would have more rabbits, but that would be against our lease agreement and, more importantly, expensive (relatively speaking!).