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comment by mk
mk  ·  4682 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What Happened Before The Big Bang?
I think that's like asking: "What happened before orange?"

Time is a characteristic of our universe, and that includes sequences of events. Except for our gut feeling that time is eternal, we don't have evidence or reason to think that there was a sequence of events before the Big Bang. Remember, inflation is just a best guess based on what we see. I would guess that the notion of time becomes meaningless as you approach the early universe.

b_b  ·  4682 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Its a nonsense question of the highest order. Each "answer" does one thing only; it kicks the can a little farther road the road. They are basically trying to extend the chain of causality. Extending it doesn't answer the question they're really looking for, which is: Why (in a religious or spiritual sense; a question science can't answer)?. This reminds me very much of the way consciousness is treated by lots of well meaning neuroscientists. Consciousness belongs to the organism in the same way time belongs to our universe; they are inseparable qualities of the whole. They don't reside anywhere.
mk  ·  4681 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Hear hear.

IMO this is a huge stumbling block in science, that many cannot get over. The nature of things does not need to coincide with our ability to comprehend it. The litmus test of knowledge is not whether or not it can be defined by a human paradigm. It is only that which follows from experiment and observation. Space and time do not exist for quantum particles as we experience them. We do not have the preferred perspective on space and time. If anything, it would make sense that ours is a limited perspective, designed specifically for our types of interactions, not designed to conceptualize the whole of them. 'Before the Big Bang' is all about us, not about the universe.