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comment by user-inactivated
user-inactivated  ·  3375 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Pets of Hubski

This is my boyfriend's Great Dane, Bruce. He is kind Scoby Doo like in his dopiness. He is 5 so he is sore and grumbles often. I take up space in his bed when I visit. He used to smash me in my sleep, and I would wake a pretzel. He now stays off the bed when I am over.

My boyfriend also has a beagle, she is old and kinda gross. She is the kid's dog, so she has diplomatic immunity. He also has a black cat. She is psycho for a cat, she is named Aristotle, but I call her Knives. She stabs you every time you pet her. I respect her authority, we get along. I put a picture of her up a few days ago.

My Mom also has two St. Bernard's and a French Mastiff.

This is Hucules, he is very fancy and bosses the St.'s around.

This is baby Zues

This is Zues now at 3, it doesn't look like the same guy. It is like an evolved pokemon. He is monstrous. He is very whinny.

The other St. Bernard is my favorite, but he hates pictures. I don't have any really good pictures of his sweet mug. I don't have any pets of my own, because I have so many to visit.