It is mobile. The issue is that I need some access to the device in a few ways I'm not sure if unity can do. It could easily handle all of the game. It's essentially a text based game :P But I've done some work in the past for GSN (Game Show Network) with unity a few years ago so I have so idea of what it can do :)
That's interesting and very cryptic :), well the usual sensors seem to be covered by Unity so I am assuming you are wanting to hijack into the users other activities in some fashion. Android is all message based and does support this for some instances, I imagine you could have your app act as the default handler for certain events and then pass the message on to an acceptable alternative app -- i.e. register as a SMS app then read some data and pass the full event on to the real SMS app. Is that the sort of thing you're thinking? It's okay, you don't have to reveal anything further, just let us know when you have built something :D
lol. Very cryptic! I want to make something like Lifeline but more involved. I wanted to hijack sms but I can't on iOS the way I want. So looking at a few other approaches. I may be able to get away with a bunch of native extensions but at the point I may as well do it native.
It kills the experience I'm trying to achieve. I've come up with a different approach that I'm going to start playing with soon. Gonna try to write the first chapter of the story and build a prototype. May just start with objc since that's my day to day language at work atm. Make sure it's fun first and the controls makes sense.
It kills the experience I'm trying to achieve. I've come up with a different approach that I'm going to start playing with soon. Gonna try to write the first chapter of the story and build a prototype. May just start with objc since that's my day to day language at work atm. Make sure it's fun first and the controls makes sense.