I'm interested to know what you would call it. One side benefit we've noticed of using the word potty is that he is able to express himself a bit more clearly, he will tell us whether he wants to use that or the toilet and so we're not calling after him when he immediately runs out of the room and up the stairs.
Growing up I learned just to ask to go to the bathroom. I wonder if my parents didn't like the word. I remember hearing other families use it around children, but I don't think my parents ever said it around any of their kids.
Is there a difference? I thought potty was just an easier word for a kid to pronounce than toilet, so people teach potty first and graduate to toilet.
In my mind potty implies the non-flushing plastic kind, with toilet being the porcelain throne. I'd be interested to see what other cultures would say on this subject, do they have special squat toilets for children? I imagine it's more natural for a child to want to squat when they go to the toilet, so perhaps the whole training process is over quicker?
Elimination training so yes, it looks like the process does seem to go much quicker. Interesting!