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comment by Cumol

swedishbadgergirl, could you help us out? :)

I find it funny that the article is by Haaretz, which is an Israeli left wing paper. I forgot they also write about non-Israeli subjects. Are you a frequent Haaretz reader?

From what I can tell after living 18 years in an arabic city, the muslim society is very homophobic. It is a huge problem and gay rights is something that every arabic politician keeps quite about until about a month ago, which lead to internal stress in the United Arabic Party in Israel.

I expect this protest do have a doubles effect. First its the right-wing protesting against immigration and second its provocation of a know issue in the islamic society. Whoever thought of this in the right wing is actually pretty clever and could lead to huge problems for the arabic minority, if they reacts poorly.

swedishbadgergirl  ·  3372 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Yes, muslim societies are but the kind of muslims that come to Sweden are those who do not feel/are not safe in that kind of society.

And this is also awful becuase children of arabic immigrants who would be in HUGE danger if it was openly known they are gay are common. REALLY common. And this is not okay.

And this is horrible.

This is done by the same people who set fire to places of worship and NOT by the community that stands and holds hand around jewish places of worship when that is in danger and islamic places of worship when those are.

And just NO. This isn't okay.

aidrocsid  ·  3373 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Nope, never been there before! I found the article on /r/europe.