please settle a current dinner debate. can you pair rice and pasta? i think you can do either pasta OR rice but having both is redundant. my dinner partner disagrees.
It may be redundant, but a rural Oklahoma Thanksgiving staple is hand-made noodles with gravy, served over mashed potatoes. Starch city.
It's redundant. They're both starchy foods.
Starches are great, but you build dishes on top of pasta or rice. Having both is silly, because they serve the same function on the plate.
That sounds like something my Russian ancestors would make. It's probably delicious.
I know where to find Greek, Indian, Thai, Korean, Mexican, Peruvian, and a whole mess of other ethnic foods. Now that I think about it, I don't know if I've ever seen a Russian restaurant. Suddenly, I feel like I'm missing out on an experience.
Before I forget, there's also Russia House in DC. probably easier to get into than Mari Vana.
Last Valentine's Day, Topher and I went to Mari Vana, which is a pretty famous Russian restaurant. They have 4 locations and the DC location is the least fancy and it was still pretty fancy even though it was mostly decorated like a Russian grandma's parlor. Apparently they give out secret keys if you go frequently enough which will give you access to speakeasies and secret events within the different restaurants. They also have Karaoke in Grandma's Basement (KGB). It was the first time I ever had herring and it was AWESOME.
Where are you based? I feel like there have to be areas where Russian immigrants congregated and still have the cuisine available.
Oh, I don't feel comfortable sharing where I live online. However, you've definitely inspired me to do some research this week and see if I can't find something. Even if I don't though, it might not be a total wash. I wasn't joking when I said I'd be willing to trek it to DC just for a bit of food. Cause, you know, road trip is a justification in itself.
ok but soup isn't food so that's a moot point.
I have to agree with Meriadoc here. Soup is a side dish. You can serve it with whatever as long as the flavor palettes complement each other. I think you mislead us all here, arguewithatree. My trust in you has been shaken. I don't know how I'll recover.
I came out here to have a good time and honestly I'm feeling so attacked rn
We settled on rice and beans because we were too lazy to go grocery shopping today. I'll go after work tomorrow. I'm muting you to shield myself from these poisonous pro-soup ideas. This is poppy cock.