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comment by possibly
possibly  ·  3371 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How to be polite

Didn't he address that though?

    There is one other aspect of my politeness that I am reluctant to mention. But I will. I am often consumed with a sense of overwhelming love and empathy. I look at the other person and am overwhelmed with joy. For all of my irony I really do want to know about the process of hanging jewelry from celebrities. What does the jewelry feel like in your hand? What do the celebrities feel like in your hand? Which one is more smooth?

zebra2  ·  3371 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Oh I know, but it's interesting that something he can develop true empathy from politeness. Or perhaps he's always been truly empathetic and just doesn't present himself that way.