Alright, NOW just read the other two parts. There better be at least three more parts else I'll be pissed (because at the current style of progression, that's how many episodes I estimate it would take to tell the rest of the story if there's no more plot twists or detours) That whole thing is glorious. I love everything about it.
Let's petition him to do a kickstarter to raise money to make more parts. He mentions on his site that the three parts were printed as a single paperback at some point; idk if that's only available in Norway or what, but I would def buy a copy if I knew where to look.
Maybe. Though I don't like that, because it would pressure him - and as the brother to an artist type, that sort of pressure is usually the downfall of them.
Yeah, that makes sense. I hate working under deadlines. What if the kickstarter was for a hardcover of the book that already exists? Then we could give him money to support more work like that without the pressure of obligation from a kickstarter specifically for a new book. Or NOTHING, we could do NOTHING.