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comment by shiranaihito
shiranaihito  ·  3464 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Your job will never love you.

Well, with your envy-inducing native-English-language privilege you can just waltz over to an Asian country of your choosing, and pretend to teach English for ~15h/week for a (usually) considerably above average salary (by local standards).

It makes no sense that you can do that, just because of an accident of birth, without any skills whatsoever, but hey.. the world we live in makes very little sense.

Moving is not a problem. I've moved out of Finland twice now, but without that privilege. I'm almost 40 and have no pension saved up.

That doesn't really matter because again, we're not any worse off than others, because others are going to lose their pensions when governments plunder them. We'll all just have to work longer, or run a successful business to be able to retire earlier.

You can move out if you just have the will to make it happen. Don't hate "corporations" for employing you. The fact that you're working somewhere shows that you find it preferrable to any other options you perceived you had. Now you have a new one. Go "teach" while you still can.

deepflows  ·  3463 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    Don't hate "corporations" for employing you. The fact that you're working somewhere shows that you find it preferrable to any other options you perceived you had.

Hating corporations for the conditions under which they employ people really is the smaller issue here. My disgust has way more to do with the way in which they manipulate the actual options, the political framework surrounding the options and (throuh corporate media) our perception of our options.

Simply saying "Move to asia, teach english" makes one hell of an assumption about someone's circumstances and responsibilities. Assuming they are indeed able to do so, it may actually be a decent idea. If someone is considering a language teaching position, just be ultra-paranoid about whom you sign up with and the terms of employment. There are very shady teaching agencies and people looking for that easy gig do get screwed over badly. Depending on your choice of nation and your fluency in their language, actually enforcing any terms of your contract may be a far different process from what you're used to, too. Don't, under any circumstances whatsoever, let anyone have your passport.

shiranaihito  ·  3463 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    the political framework surrounding the options and (throuh corporate media) our perception of our options

Corporations don't "manipulate political frameworks". Our rulers do.

    Assuming they are indeed able to do so, it may actually be a decent idea.

Exactly. So how about not shaming me about "assumptions"? I don't know him or his exact circumstances, but he does have that option, and he sounds like he's in an overly negative mindset. With a $55k per year income, he's not really poor.

The rest of your message is not really relevant to our discussion, so I won't comment further.

deepflows  ·  3463 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Why do you take this as an attempt at "shaming" you? Why would I want to do that?

Distinguishing between corporate rulers and political rulers is becoming increasingly hard nowadays. They certainly visit the same Bilderberg meetings (among many, many others) and it's not exactly uncommon for people to switch back and forth between the two sectors. And no, I still don't believe that simply removing the political sector from the equation will lead to an improvement of the situation.

shiranaihito  ·  3463 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    And no, I still don't believe that simply removing the political sector from the equation will lead to an improvement of the situation.

What situation is that, and how would you improve it?