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comment by aidrocsid
aidrocsid  ·  3503 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What is English?

What is the purpose of English class typically? Or what should be the purpose of English?

Well typically the purpose of English is to teach people how the language works, but in a prescriptive manner based on popular style guides. Attention is significantly focused on parts of speech, proper punctuation, grammatical rules, basically the foundation of a style guide presented as a bit more than just a style guide.

Now I'd say I think it's important that people learn how to use English and understand it, but I think it's significantly less important and infinitely less relevant to learn to describe how you use it. I'm a damn good driver, but I have next to no idea how cars work. I can just barely change a tire. I don't need to know how it works to know how to use it.

It seems to me that for most people that's how language is. It certainly is for me. I have only the faintest of notions of what a past participle is and I don't think it really matters. Unless I'm trying to teach English I don't need to know it. We don't learn language by learning what the parts are, we learn it by using it and by hearing others use it. People are using adverbs correctly before they have any idea what an adverb is. You don't learn what nouns are before you learn what cats, dogs, and balls are.

That's not to say that style guides are worthless, they have their place, but I think it's a major mistake to cause students to confuse style guides with rules that are somehow inherent to the language itself. There's nothing wrong with ending a sentence with a preposition and 'ain't' is totally a word. You might want to be able to distinguish between 'their' and 'they're' if you want to come across as vaguely intelligent, but it's honestly not that important to most people's interactions. Moreover, it's fairly superficial. I mean, sure, being well spoken can make you seem intelligent, but it's not as good as having something significant to say, and outside of a classroom context correcting other people can be worse than not saying anything at all.

Then there's the other side of what English is right now, which is the approach to literature. Literature is important, people should enjoy reading and do it all their lives as far as I'm concerned. The problem I found, though, and that I hear again and again from pretty much everyone else, is that English teachers have a tendency to over-analyze and even to impose their own preconceived notions onto it, to the detriment of those who are forced to sit through it.

So what should English be? You certainly do have to make sure they're capable of writing without looking like total prats, but I'd say it's much more important to build an appreciation for language and for writing in general. Language isn't just the domain of academics, it's the domain of artists. Look at all the new words Shakespear alone gave us. That's not something you get from a person who's afraid to use language incorrectly. You don't get that if you can't see language as your own, but as something handed down to you from an ivory tower. The ivory tower didn't invent language, the people did. It was art from the beginning long before academics even existed. If people view language as something that's theirs, something they're being taught to hone for their own use rather than something someone else owns that's being forced upon them, they can feel passionate about it. You can't feel passionate about inflexible robotic language that's been foisted on you mostly in the form of restriction of your preexisting individual stylistic choices.

So here are a few steps to make an English class not suck:

1) Don't ever describe language choices as "wrong". If you make a prescriptive statement, classify it as such and make sure the students know the motivation behind that prescription.

2) Try to find some more modern uses of language to illustrate that it doesn't just belong to a bunch of old dead men and stuffy academics. Don't just bang away at the same old style guides and literature, show some alternatives, some diversity. Check out some different dialects, even pidgins. If you make people care about language they'll learn a lot on their own even when you're long gone from their lives.

3) Poetry? Throw some Wu Tang and Eminem in with your Rimbaud and Robert Frost. Ask the class for examples of some more recent wordsmiths that they'd like to look into.

4) Books and short stories? Throw a little bit of weird or significant scifi in there. There's a mountain of well written and engaging scifi novels and short stories out there, and it's a lot more interesting than some of the samey boring crap they had us reading when I was in school.

Basically, try to break away from that snooty classist English and embrace the real living language that's spoken and written as a massively diverse modern lingua franca.

kleinbl00  ·  3503 days ago  ·  link  ·  

You've made some dire mistakes here.

    I'm a damn good driver, but I have next to no idea how cars work. I can just barely change a tire. I don't need to know how it works to know how to use it.

Under normal conditions, sure. But if you find yourself on ice, or hydroplaning, or driving through Death Valley, or running on empty while stuck in traffic, a basis of understanding of the physics of automobiles will absolutely help you out. By willfully ignoring the basic function of the automobile you are permitting yourself to be a victim of circumstance.

    I have only the faintest of notions of what a past participle is and I don't think it really matters. Unless I'm trying to teach English I don't need to know it. We don't learn language by learning what the parts are, we learn it by using it and by hearing others use it. People are using adverbs correctly before they have any idea what an adverb is. You don't learn what nouns are before you learn what cats, dogs, and balls are.

But no one benefits by shrouding the language arts in gnostic mystery. Learning to diagram a sentence is the best way to learn the craft of building sentences. I'd have to look up a participle phrase, too - but I learned them, and I know I can learn them again. I don't remember my trigonometric identities either but if I have to walk through them again, I can. A basis of understanding is always better than a basis of mystery.

    There's nothing wrong with ending a sentence with a preposition and 'ain't' is totally a word.

Ain't is a word used in certain registers but not all. Using "ain't" in a technical report is inappropriate. Using technical language in colloquial speech is inappropriate. The art of learning the appropriate use of language is the art of learning language.

    You might want to be able to distinguish between 'their' and 'they're' if you want to come across as vaguely intelligent, but it's honestly not that important to most people's interactions.

Au contraire. You mix up "their" and "they're" and I know you're either (A) stupider than me (B) don't care enough to address me with respect. Someone with precise language will automatically think less of someone with imprecise language and your argument for "good enough" illustrates that you don't value treating our conversations with care. That will not benefit you.

    I mean, sure, being well spoken can make you seem intelligent, but it's not as good as having something significant to say, and outside of a classroom context correcting other people can be worse than not saying anything at all.

But if you can't say it according to the agreed-upon ground rules of written or spoken communication, no one will listen to you.

There are social signals involved in language. You advocate ignoring them because they aren't important to you. They aren't important to you because you never learned their importance, which means you are operating at a disadvantage.

I'n'I can throw down in any f'n register I wanna use. It ain't no thang. A skilled interlocutor can converse in the appropriate register, regardless of his upbringing or background. Conversational versatility maximizes your rhetorical prowess because your statement isn't obscured by syntax. 'n I can be completely full of shit and you'd never know 'cuz your head so fulla pride you can't fuckin' hear me, son.

Ever studied cockney?

It's a deliberate obfuscation of language to build affinity amongst a disadvantaged socioeconomic segment. So if you speak Cockney, you can reach them. If you speak the Queen's English, you will forever be an outsider.

That is the study of language - knowing how to make yourself heard. You seem to think that if you shout loud enough it'll work out. It won't.

aidrocsid  ·  3503 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    Under normal conditions, sure. But if you find yourself on ice, or hydroplaning, or driving through Death Valley, or running on empty while stuck in traffic, a basis of understanding of the physics of automobiles will absolutely help you out. By willfully ignoring the basic function of the automobile you are permitting yourself to be a victim of circumstance.

Living in Massachusetts, I've been driving in snow and ice as long as I've been driving. I'm also no stranger to hydroplaning. I didn't learn how to drive on slippery surfaces or regain control when hydroplaning by studying a manual, though, I learned to do it by driving in snow and rain.

I don't mean to suggest that you don't need to know how often your oil needs changing or to have some basic idea about, say, keeping your engine cool. I don't really know how it's all put together, though. I know there's a fuel injector and an engine block and some cylinders and an alternator but I couldn't tell you how they interact with one another exactly.

If I did plan on heading out into the desert it might not be bad to bring someone a bit more knowledgeable along. It doesn't affect my ability to drive well, though. Practice and knowledge of the road is what I'd say has more to do with being a good driver than being able to change a muffler. There are mechanics that hog the passing lane and don't use blinkers.

There's a major difference between understanding the inner workings of your own vehicle and knowing about standard maintenance and driving in hazardous conditions.

    A basis of understanding is always better than a basis of mystery.

I absolutely agree. I'd say that the most important thing, though, is to develop a love for language. Parts of language should absolutely be taught, but passion for language is more important and will impact not only what they learn in school but what they learn as adults. Like you say, we can always look up the parts again later if we need them, but something has to encourage us to give a damn in the first place.

    But if you can't say it according to the agreed-upon ground rules of written or spoken communication, no one will listen to you.

Again, absolutely true. As you say, though, the rules are different in different contexts. Spoken communication is also still much more prevalent than written communication. Most of the interactions you have, if you don't spend loads of time talking on the internet or have a job involving a lot of writing, are going to be influenced by your ability to speak rather than your ability to write. Most people aren't working in offices, at least not in the US. If you work in transportation, retail, or any sort of service industry profession you're not going to be typing out long reports that have a huge impact on your day to day interactions. Even if you are in an office whether your writing ability matters significantly or not depends on the industry you're in and your specific job.

This too I'd argue has more to do with practice than being able to explain the rules. A love of language is fundamental to getting sufficient practice in as an adult.

What I ran into, though, and maybe this is just because I had shitty English classes, was the presumption that these contextually appropriate prescriptions were a matter of correctness. There's a big difference between saying there's a single way that English should be and saying that there are certain situations in which English should be used in certain ways. One is strategic and intelligent, the other is oversimplified and frankly wrong.

I think we're mostly on the same page here aside from maybe a confusion about dismissal of the rules as useless versus not letting one style guide be an all-encompassing prescriptivist stance on all valid forms of English.

illu45  ·  3503 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    Attention is significantly focused on parts of speech, proper punctuation, grammatical rules, basically the foundation of a style guide presented as a bit more than just a style guide.

I expect this varies significantly depending on the setting in which English is taught, but this was far from my experience in high school English. In my experience, grammar is hardly taught in English classes at all. Instead, the whole class is basically focused on what you describe as the 'other side': literature.

    The problem I found, though, and that I hear again and again from pretty much everyone else, is that English teachers have a tendency to over-analyze and even to impose their own preconceived notions onto it, to the detriment of those who are forced to sit through it.

I think you and I may just have to agree to disagree here, but again, this is far from my experience as both a student and an educator. I think most English teachers try to teach students how to close read texts, and, as such, they offer examples of close reading. However, they are usually very happy to get students' readings of texts (even if students are sometimes very hesitant to give such readings).

I like your suggestions of Wu Tang Clan and Eminem in literature classes. I've also found that fan fiction can work in interesting ways for this. Introducing texts like these into the classroom can be tricky, but I think it can work really well for the students if it's done carefully.

aidrocsid  ·  3503 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Yeah, I may have just had shitty English classes. It wouldn't surprise me.