Hah, 5/18/10. I didn't even notice the date until I saw your comment. So it would be important to find a 2015 article to see if it's still an accurate assessment of the current policies of Facebook. Though I'd put my money on this article still holding as true as it did five years ago.
Facebook also makes it very difficult to completely delete your account. I deactivated my account a year ago, yet I can still log in weirdly with everything intact. There is no definitive "DELETE" button which destroys all information. I don't feel like writing a mail to them telling "Hey, delete all my photos and materials etc."
And I won't even definitively know if they have done that without trying to log back in. In short:
Facebooks' a trap. Getting out is not easy- no clear directions to get out, which really grinds my gears. (Just like those spam emails with A SUPER tiny tiny "unsubscribe me" link- hey at least they provided me with one!)