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comment by Killerhurtz

Artist name is a mouthful... or is it two artists? I don't know.

Music itself feels, to me, rather bland/generic and not always really harmonic (and it's not the beautiful/mindful asynchronism/disharmony).

Overall not a bad piece at all, but not my cup of tea.

BrainBurner  ·  3364 days ago  ·  link  ·  

To be fair, I wouldn't say it's their best song. Try this or this.

ButterflyEffect  ·  3363 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I was hoping one of those links would be for Getting Sodas.

Killerhurtz  ·  3364 days ago  ·  link  ·  

While still, in my opinion, somewhat generic (I refer to this music as "related music" - music made by a group in the general style of the music in which a general emotion/feeling is made and in which they can relate, in this case being pseudo-deep "life is tough/shit but it'll be alright") and still not my cup of tea, these two songs are indeed better sounding.