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iamfight · 4700 days ago · link · · parent · post: Maryland bans employers from asking for employee social media passwords
prediction: legislation such as this will attract the attention of the press worldwide, doing MORE damage to the American image as people continue to wonder "what sort of place is America, that this was necessary?" except in England. from what I understand, they'll probably reject similar laws in-between hedgehog kicking bans and "video cameras every three meters held by on-duty traffic wardens" funding.
edit for derp
speeding_snail · 4700 days ago · link ·
England is going 1984, quite literally, except for the one party thing. When I was in London three years ago, there were cameras everywhere and no one seemed to mind. Really creepy.
The USA has some serious image damage after the idiotic SOPA and PIPA bills. And ACTA, which would introduce the same kind of legislation in Europe, hasn't been welcomed either. Luckily for the USA, Obama isn't as big an idiot as Bush (pardon my language). And indeed, this new law will most certainly not help once the world press notices it. Edit: layout
off-topic-ish, but i think thats obamas greatest achievement AND failure. across the board world wide respect except between appalacia and the rockies, a relatively large area that does, for better or worse, fall under his lead.
hah. if the "leader of the free world" was chosen by all people under that umbrella, the repubs would shrivel up faster than the banannas i keep mistakenly storing out of direct view.